As stewards of some of the most productive farmland in the country, Cal-Organic is dedicated to protecting natural resources and preserving the environment for generations to come. We are constantly improving our practices to reduce waste and minimize our use of energy, water and fertilizer while optimizing crop yields and soil health.

Our 4.75-megawatt solar farm helps powers our facilities and all of our locations are equipped with energy-saving LED lighting and lead-free fluorescent tubes. We regularly partner with PG&E to participate in large-scale efficiency incentive programs, and independently we’ve been able to complete two major energy efficiency projects a year for more than 20 years.
Farming & Processing

We use electric pumps, electric motors, and eco-boost technologies throughout our operations and we’ve installed emissions control technology on our equipment. We’re able to reduce emissions naturally by composting organic material, and our attention to these areas have helped us eliminate more than 24,000 tons of CO2 each year. Additionally, our fields are irrigated with pivot systems and pressure-sealed Certa-Set® pipes to help minimize the use of water.

We’re focused on reducing landfill waste to minimize the presence of environmentally harmful materials throughout the supply chain. Recently, we’ve increased the use of pooled CHEP pallets and we’ve joined the How2Recycle label program to move toward fully store drop-off recyclable bags and curbside recyclable cartons.